--- empatické vypočutie ---

bezplatná podpora v náročných situáciách

Mnohí z nás alebo z našich blízkych vnímajú v sebe neistotu, nepohodu a často aj strach v situácii, ktorá sa okolo nás deje, a na ktorú nemáme skoro žiadny vplyv. Mnohým pomôže možnosť zdieľania svojich pocitov a zažitie skutočnej blízkosti zo spojenia pri empatickom vypočutí.

V tomto dokumente nájdete pár kontaktov, na ktoré sa môžete obrátiť, ak hľadáte podporu, alebo sa chcete s niekým poradiť. Radi Vás empaticky vypočujeme a dúfame, že Vám to pomôže nájsť znovu kontakt so sebou a orientáciu v situácii.


Ak by ste sa chceli pridať k tejto podpore pre okolie, ozvite sa do správy. Môžete sa pridať do podporného tím ľudí, ktorí majú skúsenosti s empatickým sprevádzaním za pomoci Nenásilnej komunikácie.

Ponuku kurzov Nenásilnej komunikácie, prednášok a ďalších akcií nájdete na našej facebookovej stránke:



The Dance Floors Introductory for learning, experiencing and teaching NVC

with Deborah Bellamy

2,5 day seminar for practitioners in Nonviolent Communication

24. - 26. May 2019 (Friday -Sunday)

Bratislava, Slovakia

NVC Dance Floors offer a way to understand and work with the teaching of Marshall Rosenberg, the originator of Nonviolent Communication. They are spiral maps made up of large cards that place NVC processes on the floor in various layouts called ‘dances’. Each card represents a step in a ‘dance’ of connecting with yourself and/or others. These steps can be used in any sequence to support authentic and transformative connections. The person ‘dancing’ walks through the steps, and is often coached by a trainer, or supported by someone in their practice group.

  • Embodied, auditory and visual learning, all at once
  • Subtlety, aliveness and flexibility in how use NVC
  • Suitable for individual work, practice groups, and workshops

The 8 Dance Floors:

  1. 13 steps
  2. Integration and Connection
  3. Fluency
  4. Self-Empathy
  5. Anger/Shame
  6. Educator/Chooser
  7. Yes/No Dance
  8. Transforming the Pain of Unmet Needs to the Beauty of Needs

Language: English


Friday - 24. May

17:00 - 21:00

Saturday - 25. May

9:30 - 13:00 Morning session (with a coffee break)

14:30 - 18:00 Afternoon session (with a coffee break)

19:30 - 21:00 Evening session (practice on own in groups)

Please note that the daily schedule is subject to change.

Sunday - 26. May

09:00 - 16:00


Bratislava, Slovakia
Centre KVET ŽIVOTA (The Flower of Life)
Župné námestie 9
On the map here.
It is the old town part of Bratislava - no parking close by possible.


100 - 350 €
We have a sliding scale - we want to acknowledge the regional and social differences.
Price includes the cost of the training and the refreshments during breaks (tee, coffee, snacks). Lunch is not included.
Payments are made at the venue by cash. We would like to ask you to pay a registration fee 50 €.

Seminar organiser:

Lenka Fikarova
Mail: info@nenasilne.sk
Phone: 00421 902 317 554


Please, fill in this registration form